Teaching Circles Support Clarkson Faculty with Year-long Workshop Series

Alex Cohen, Associate Professor of Political Science. Photo by Susan Kahn
Alex Cohen, Associate Professor of Political Science. Photo by Susan Kahn.

Clarkson University faculty participants joined Teaching Circles on a range of topics throughout the 2022-23 academic year. Teaching Circles (TCs) supporting Clarkson University faculty were regularly hosted in a year-long series programmed by the Institute for STEM Education (STEM Ed) and the Faculty Support and Development Task Force. 

Most recently, 3 TCs in April 2023 focused on the use of AI technology and how it is affecting the education landscape. On April 6, the TC was joined by Clarkson Alum Justin Au-Yeung. Justin is a Software Engineer at Pebble Finance, where he works with large language models, natural language processing, and machine learning to create personalized portfolios for customers. He graduated from Clarkson University with a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering in 2018. Justin shared about his current work, his thoughts about AI and general observations, before answering questions from those in attendance.

“Teaching Circles provide opportunities many Clarkson faculty have found essential to strengthen their teaching practices and to respond to the ever-evolving challenges of today’s college classrooms,” said coordinator Alex Cohen, Associate Professor of Political Science, Chair of Faculty Senate, and Associate Director of Faculty Support.

Each circle is themed or topic-focused and is guided by a facilitator or co-facilitators. Clarkson TCs create intentional communities who share concerns and interests related to teaching. They are safe spaces in which colleagues (1) generate and share developments related to teaching, (2) ideate innovations or interventions designed to enhance student learning, (3) seek scholarly research and resources to inform and support implementation of trials.

Faculty are encouraged to suggest a Teaching Circle topic, or to start their own. When applicable, circles contribute to Clarkson’s greater community of teaching and learning through presentations/publication of findings to colleagues. 

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