Jane Addams in the 21st Century Seminar Series
Spring 2023
Jane Addams, co-founder of the Hull House in Chicago, had a broad and lasting influence on occupational therapy and occupational science. As an academic, she directly influenced the early Chicago School, which would later produce symbolic interactionism, grounded theory, and the groundbreaking work of Erving Goffman. As a social activist, she persistently fought for inclusion and human rights for all. As a pragmatist, she encouraged reflection, dialogue, and mediation, even in the face of the most pressing, complex, political-laden problems. We introduce the 3rd Annual Jane Addams in the 21st Century Seminar Series, where we invite speakers to reflect on today’s problems in the spirit of Jane Addams.
Delivered virtually on May 23, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Ivana Capin, MD
“A simulation based pediatric resident communication curriculum may
enhance the ethics behind pediatric palliative care”
Ivana Capin is a pediatric intensivist in New York City, who is embarking on a second fellowship in pediatric cardiology July 2023. Ivana is also completing her Masters in Bioethics through Clarkson University and Mount Sinai. Her career ambitions include incorporating the ethical theory she has learned in her Masters and allowing it to guide her in her clinical practice as a pediatric cardiac intensivist. She hopes to engage with all families with children in the intensive care unit and create space for open and honest discussions with regards to goals of care and quality of life trauma.
Arielle Coughlin, MD
“What we owe donor-conceived people”
Arielle Coughlin is a recently graduated MD student at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and a Master’s student in Bioethics at Clarkson University. She is originally from Houston, Texas, and she completed her BA in Biology at Columbia University. In medical school, she took an active role in various youth education and mentorship organizations, and published research in the fields of
obstetrics and gynecology, pediatric surgery, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, and reproductive ethics. She was afforded the opportunity to study the regulation of ART in the United Kingdom as part of an Ethics Exchange program at the Ethox Centre of Oxford University. She will pursue an internship in General Surgery at Stanford starting in June 2023, where she plans to continue to explore her interests in bioethics in surgery and reproductive choice, particularly around assisted reproduction.
This webinar is presented in conjunction with the Bioethics Department of the Lewis School of Health Sciences at Clarkson University. Clarkson.edu/Graduate/Bioethics
Zoom: https://clarkson.zoom.us/j/97764295277?pwd=V1hHRlBiRWlUVFRiNHluVkZxdE4yZz09