SafetyNet Feedback Requested

Thank you to those who submitted SafetyNet reports this year. Through your efforts, the SafetyNet committee was able to respond to over 500 reports to assist students with basic needs, academic difficulties, mental and physical illness, loss of a loved one, and safety concerns, among other challenges. Please consider taking this anonymous survey to provide your feedback to the SafetyNet committee.

Our ability to connect with these students as early as possible maximizes their potential for academic success. Otherwise, students may stop showing up to class or do poorly on exams when we could have helped them get back on track. In short, each SafetyNet report helps us to maintain student safety and to maximize student retention and persistence.

Upon review of this academic year’s SafetyNet reports, the following concerns were reported with the highest frequency:

  • Academic challenges:
    • Missed class
    • Missed exam or homework
    • Not responding to attempted contact
    • Risk of failing class
  • Personal challenges:
    • Overall mental health
    • Death of a loved one
    • Peer conflict
    • Overall physical health

Less than half of the students who were academically separated this year were reported through SafetyNet. As we all strive to improve student wellness and persistence, the SafetyNet committee requests everyone’s assistance with submitting a report on students who may be at risk academically, personally, financially, or socially. The more support that we can provide these students, the better their chances are of academic recovery.

Whether or not you have submitted a SafetyNet report this year, please consider taking this anonymous survey to provide your feedback to the SafetyNet committee. Your input helps us to improve our processes. We look forward to our continued partnership for student success.

Please contact Interim Dean of Students Kelsey Pearson with any questions, comments, or concerns at

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