Helping Students Embrace Change

Embracing change is largely about managing the emotional response change creates. When students recognize that changes will happen with or without their involvement, they may discover that working with the changes and altering parts of their lives to make room for changes is more beneficial and supportive of their goals. Managing the emotional responses that change can create involves using positive self-care practices that allow students to maintain a sense of mental balance. 

Some of these techniques include:

  • Taking a break from the pace of the experience at least once a day
  • Setting aside time for a creative activity that engages your imagination
  • Going outside to enjoy a different space
  • Revisiting or starting a fitness plan that can help to release tension
  • Exploring a new hobby or interest that requires self-paced research and practice
  • Using bathing times as an opportunity to relax, unwind and recuperate
  • Getting plenty of rest by going to bed earlier or sleeping in on the weekends
  • Practicing mediation or other mindfulness exercises
  • Reaching out to family and friends for support
  • Having a conversation with yourself about the positive things that have happened recently
  • Contacting a WellConnect counselor for additional guidance and recommendations

In the academic environment, change can reveal new pathways for learning and new career paths to explore. While change might still feel like something unpredictable and disruptive for many students, some students may learn to eventually appreciate the benefits unexpected moments can create.

WellConnect provides confidential consultations with a licensed professional for faculty and staff regarding student problems or concerns. In addition, our team is available to discuss behavioral and classroom management issues. If a student comes to you with a situation and you’re not sure what to say, please call our 24/7 FAST-Line at 844-208-7070. The FAST (Faculty Administrator Support Team) Line can be a valuable resource for navigating complex, sensitive or high-risk student situations. Our counselors will consult with you on the situation and help you develop a plan to assist the student. Of course, you can give the student the WellConnect student number, 866-640-4777, and encourage them to call, or even dial the number and hand the student the phone in a location where they will have privacy while talking to a WellConnect counselor. Working collaboratively, we can help students achieve their personal, educational and career goals. 

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