Discussing Media Opportunities with CRC Faculty and Staff

CRC Faculty and Staff,
I am planning to visit the Capital Region Campus tomorrow, June 27 for the afternoon and would love to meet with anyone who believes they have newsworthy items that we should further promote. This could include upcoming events, faculty/staff/student accomplishments, or expertise relevant to current events that we could pitch to local media.

The goal of this visit is two-fold. First, we want to learn more about, and promote, noteworthy items at the Capital Region Campus that may be attractive to a more public audience. And second, we want to leverage these stories into a more productive relationship with media local to the CRC.

I am also happy to meet with anyone who wants to talk more generally about potential media coverage opportunities in the future.

I will be available for meetings all afternoon tomorrow. If tomorrow doesn’t work for you, we can always catch up on a Zoom call later. In either case, if you’d like to meet with me please feel free to send me an email at jnewman@clarkson.edu.

Thank you!
Jake Newman
Director of Media Relations

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