July 2023 – Health Literacy

The health topic for July is health literacy.

This month, you’ll find information to support members in learning about:

·        What health literacy really means

·        Why health literacy is so important

·        Different types of health care advance directives

You’ll also find other health-related links to share with your employees.

Get in touch with UMR if you have any questions or want additional resources.

Health literacy resources

You can download the attached PDFs to print and display in your workplace. Or you can pass them along digitally to your employees via email, digital newsletter or your intranet:

·        Advance directives (flyer)  (Spanish version)
Provides basic information on the types of advance directives for health care and how to get started creating one.

These additional article links can help your employees learn more about health literacy:

And here are some tasty, healthy recipes for your employees to try:

Mental health awareness

July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. Even though most racial/ethnic minority groups overall have similar rates of mental disorders as whites, the consequences of mental illness in minorities may be longer lasting. Minorities often suffer from poor mental health outcomes due to multiple factors, including:

·        Inaccessibility of high-quality mental health care services

·        Cultural stigma surrounding mental health care

·        Overall lack of awareness about mental health

·        Discrimination

You can help by sharing this depression self-assessment, available in English and Spanish, with all your employees as a first step toward awareness and intervention:

Healthy You Magazine

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