Byron Erath Promoted to Full Professor at Clarkson University

Byron Erath has been promoted from associate professor to full professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering in the Wallace H. Coulter School of Engineering.

headshot, Byron Erath

Erath received a Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Brigham Young University. He then attended Purdue University, ultimately graduating with a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering in 2009. Following graduation, he completed postdoctoral research at George Washington University, before joining the Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering at Clarkson University as an Assistant Professor in the fall of 2012. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2018.

Erath directs the Fluid-Acoustic-STructures (FAST) lab at Clarkson University His research interests encompass biomedical investigations of normal and disordered voice production, fundamental fluid mechanics investigations of vortex dynamics and vortex-structure interactions, and the production and transport of respiratory particles with application to the transmission of airborne infectious diseases. He has published over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles in these fields and has also written multiple articles on the science of COVID-19 transmission for popular media outlets. He has received over $2M in external research funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Empire State Development’s Division of Science, Technology and Innovation (NYSTAR).

Erath is a member of the Clarkson University Million Dollar club, and was awarded the Clarkson Excellence in Research and Scholarship award in 2019.

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