Time Management Techniques

Most students have some room to improve their time management skills to become more productive in everyday life. College is an ideal time to hone these skills due to the wide range of responsibilities that must be managed to succeed. 
Here are some tips to help you effectively manage your time as a busy college student.
Plan ahead and prioritizeYou can keep a weekly to-do list, use a physical planner, download a scheduling app on your phone, or update an online calendar. Choose whatever tool works best for you to stay organized. Writing everything down helps ensure you don’t forget anything. 
Prioritizing schoolworkFor school-related tasks, such as assignments, exams, and papers, rank them by when they are due and how much of your final grade they are worth. For example, spend more time studying for an exam worth 30% of your final grade over a homework assignment worth only 5%. Also, prioritize assignments that are due sooner than others. 
Do a little each dayIt can be helpful to space tasks out and do a little at a time, especially when it comes to longer written assignments and exams. Otherwise, it can feel stressful and daunting to try and complete an assignment in one study session. Try reserving shorter blocks of time throughout the week to work on an assignment. 
Manage distractionsWhen you are focused on coursework or a task from your to-do list, minimize distractions so they don’t detract from your productivity. Put your phone on silent and out of sight and find a place to work where you won’t be interrupted. If your roommates or family members are around, let them know ahead of time you will be studying and kindly ask them not to interrupt you. If background noises are bothersome, try putting headphones on and listening to classical music.
Finding balance with a busy lifestyleIt can be difficult to balance school and all the other obligations in your life. Remember: There are only so many hours in a day, which means you can’t do it all. It’s okay to say “no” to something that isn’t a priority that week. Some weeks you might not have as much time for leisure or social activities. However, it is important to balance your workload with helpful opportunities to de-stress and recharge. 

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