Center for Rehabilitation Engineering, Science, and Technology Affiliates Retreat on August 17th

Hello CREST Affiliates,

On Thursday August 17th, the Center for Rehabilitation Engineering Science and Technology (CREST) at Clarkson University will host a half-day retreat open to all CREST affiliates. It will be from 1:00 – 5:00 pm in the Adirondack lodge.

The retreat will provide an opportunity for interested faculty and graduate students to share their biomedical and rehabilitation-related research interests and pursue collaborative opportunities with other attendees. The retreat will also include CREST updates and future plans. If you know of any faculty who are not CREST affiliates but would like to be, please invite them!

In addition, this year we are hosting a 3 Minute Thesis Competition for graduate students! Please encourage your graduate students to participate  – there will be a $100 Visa gift card for the winning presenter!  We ask that they RSVP by Monday August 14th to confirm their participation. Graduate students are welcome to attend the retreat without participation in the 3MT. 

The agenda for the retreat will be as follows:
1:00 – 1:15       Welcome
1:15 – 2:00       CREST Research and BME Education Updates

2:00 – 2:15       Break
2:15 – 3:45       Networking Mixer with Refreshments

3:45 – 5:00       Graduate Student 3 Minute Thesis Competition (Award for ‘Best 3MT’!)

3MT Rules:

1. No more than 3 minutes speaking and 3 powerpoint slides total.
2. Address what your project is, why you are doing it, and how you are achieving it.

3. Deadline to indicate interest in participation is Monday August 14th by 5:00 pm by email to Dr. Bethany Almeida (

4. Deadline to submit your slides (which will be compiled to a single presentation to facilitate the process) is Wednesday August 16th by noon by email to Dr. Bethany Almeida (

*You are encouraged to look up award winning 3MT presentations online*

We hope to see you there!
-CREST Advisory Committee