Parking Announcement Fall 2023

To all Clarkson University Faculty, Staff & Students:

We hope you have had a pleasant summer break! As return to campus for the start of the Fall semester, we wanted to take this opportunity to remind you of the University’s vehicle use policy, as specified in Section IX-M of the Clarkson University Student Regulations, “Student Use of Motor Vehicles”:

-All vehicles operated and/or parked on campus must be registered with the Campus Safety and Security Office. Vehicles can be pre-registered by entering your vehicle information at the link below:

-You must still pick up a registration permit at the Campus Safety and Security Office in ERC 1200. Even if your vehicle information is in our system, your vehicle is not considered fully registered unless you have a current, valid registration permit on the rearview mirror of your vehicle.

– Parking is permitted in assigned lots only on a “first-come, first-served” basis. All responsibility for finding a legal parking spot lies with the vehicle registrant. Parking maps can be obtained online or at the Campus Safety and Security Office.

-Parking in fire lanes and on walkways or lawns is prohibited at all times.

-The speed limit is 15 miles per hour on all campus roadways, except for the section of the Adirondack Trail from Outer Maple Street to the Adirondack Lodge, which is 30 miles per hour.

-Recreational vehicles such as snowmobiles, ATVs, and dirt bikes are not allowed on campus, except for University-sanctioned activities as approved by Campus Safety and Security.

-Vehicle repairs shall not be conducted on campus.

-Failure to follow these regulations may result in fines, vehicle immobilization, towing, or other University sanctions including possible revocation of campus driving privileges, as deemed appropriate by the Dean of Students Office and Campus Safety and Security.

-Vehicle citations can be appealed here within 5 business days of receipt of the citation.

These regulations are necessary for the safety of all members of the University community as well as to ensure that those who wish to take advantage of the privilege to use a car on campus are able to do so. If you choose to drive on campus, please be considerate of all the students, staff, faculty, and community members who use campus spaces, whether they drive or not.

We hope you enjoy the remainder of your summer and travel back safely. We look forward to seeing you all on campus again soon.

Warmest regards,
Campus Safety and Security
Dean of Students Office
Facilities and Services

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