Catherine Benson has been appointed Director of First Year Biology and Associate Professor of Biology on the teaching track at Clarkson University.

She received her Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Bioscience and Biotechnology, an M.S. in Environmental Science and Engineering, and a B.S. degree in Environmental Science and Policy, all from Clarkson University.
“The Biology department is pleased to announce the hire of Dr. Catherine Benson, as the new Director of First Year Biology,” said Dr. Stefanie Kring, the Chair of Biology. “Since Katie graduated from Clarkson in 2013, she has focused her career on educating first-year Biology students, while maintaining her research. We are excited to have her return to the North Country, and continue to inspire the next generation of Biology undergraduate students.”
Benson is a broadly trained conservation biologist with expertise in wetland restoration ecology, fish and wildlife management, and environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis. Currently, her research interests are focused on using eDNA metabarcoding and qPCR to monitor fish and wildlife use of aquatic ecosystems. She is involved in eDNA projects monitoring threatened and endangered species in the Verde River of Arizona, mammals in the Southwest Borderlands region of Arizona and Sonora, Mexico, and fish communities in the Chesapeake Bay. She has led several course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) in collaboration with state and federal agencies, and environmental non-profit organizations. These include projects examining the effect of fish hatchery effluent on eDNA metabarcoding results in streams and rivers, comparing eDNA metabarcoding versus traditional survey techniques for waterbirds, and conducting surveys for small mammals at local parks and nature preserves. She has received several grants and contracts in support of her research, including funding from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and National Park Service.
Benson has been published in academic journals, including The Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, Ecological Indicators, and Wetlands Ecology and Management. Her work has also been published in other notable press and media publications, including National Geographic and NPR. Benson has also presented her work professionally at national and international conferences. She is a member of the National Association of Biology Teachers, the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, the Team-based Learning Collaborative, The Wildlife Society, and the American Fisheries Society.