Clarkson Chemistry PhD student Kyle Parella will present Leveraging the Regenerative Abilities of HOX Proteins and Deploying a Modular Strategy to Yield Multiple Potential Therapies
Homeobox (HOX) genes code for a series of transcription factors responsible for regulating crucial steps in embryonic development. Because of their role in tissue generation, the regenerative properties of these proteins are sought after in a therapeutic context. In this body of work, we show evidence that a recombinant mutated HOXB4 protein is a strong candidate for the treatment of neutropenia. Increased efficacy of this recombinant HOXB4 is also currently being explored with a class of novel delivery peptides. The success with recombinant HOXB4 has inspired investigations to utilize the other 38 HOX proteins for therapeutic use. We have preliminary data showing that mutations of a conserved region of the HOX proteins and conjugation to these novel peptides could be an effective strategy to convert many of these proteins into clinical candidates, each treating a distinct disease.
Friday, September 8, 2023
3:30 PM
BH Snell Hall 214, Potsdam Campus
Zoom Information: Link
Meeting ID: 950 1099 7564 Passcode: chemistry