Suicide Awareness Month

As September arrives, colleges and universities across the country are turning their attention to raising awareness on their campuses about mental health and the importance of suicide prevention. Calling attention to suicide and destigmatizing talking openly about the daily struggles many students face are ways to help everyone recognize that suicide remains an ongoing problem, to learn the warning signs for suicidal behavior, and to encourage those engaging in suicidal ideation to be willing to take advantage of the options available to seek assistance whenever it is needed. 
Some of the key warning signs for suicidal behavior include: 
Openly sharing sensations of being hopeless, helpless, or worthlessDiscussing suicide or suicidal behavior, including the suicides of othersOffering good-byes to friends, relatives, classmates and peersGiving away personal possessions or getting affairs in orderDiscontinuing beloved activities and distancing oneself from close friends and familyDisregarding self-care and personal hygieneDecline in academic performance and/or class attendance Severe changes in mood, including sudden mood swingsObsessing over death through drawings, writings, music, and other forms of expressionExperimenting with risk-taking behaviors that could result in physical harmEngaging in self-destructive behaviors, such as misusing drugs and alcohol or committing self-injury
If a student self-reports feeling suicidal or you observe behaviors that raise concerns for the immediate wellbeing of a student, follow the guidelines for reporting the incident to the appropriate campus authorities to resolve. Additionally, you may wish to recommend the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, which can be reached by calling 988 or by visiting
WellConnect provides confidential consultations with a licensed professional for faculty and staff regarding student problems or concerns. In addition, our team is available to discuss behavioral and classroom management issues. If a student comes to you with a situation and you’re not sure what to say, please call our 24/7 FAST-Line at 844-208-7070. The FAST (Faculty Administrator Support Team) Line can be a valuable resource for navigating complex, sensitive or high-risk student situations. Our counselors will consult with you on the situation and help you develop a plan to assist the student. Of course, you can give the student the WellConnect student number, 866-640-4777, and encourage them to call, or even dial the number and hand the student the phone in a location where they will have privacy while talking to a WellConnect counselor. Working collaboratively, we can help students achieve their personal, educational and career goals. 

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