The Clarkson Center for Complex Systems Science
Edmilson Roque dos Santos, Research Associate at Clarkson University
Will present a talk entitled:
Reconstruction of coupled sparse networks from data
Abstract: Complex network dynamics are prevalent in various natural systems, spanning from physics to neuroscience. These networks feature sparse interaction structures, where only a fraction of all possible connections exist. This interaction structure provides valuable insights into network dynamics. For instance, disruptions in neuronal networks often arise from issues related to connectivity. However, in experimental settings, we typically have access to multivariate time series data rather than the network itself. This led to a great deal of effort to reconstruct the network from multivariate data. This reconstruction problem is ill-posed for large networks leading to the reconstruction of false network structures. In this talk, I will discuss the main challenges and put forward an approach that uses the network dynamics’ statistical properties to ensure the exact reconstruction of coupled sparse networks.
Friday, October 27, 2023
12:00 pm
C3S2 Clarkson Center for Complex Systems Science l http://webspace.clarkson.edu/~ebollt/Website-C3S2/index.html
CLARKSON UNIVERSITY l Potsdam, New York 13699-5720