Faculty Asked to Submit Spring 2024 Moodle Course Requests

A gentle reminder to All Faculty teaching Spring semester or Winter quarter term courses: 1) Please request your Spring 2024 or Winter Qtr 2024 Moodle courses from your Peoplesoft Faculty Center now; then 2) Reply to the RT email that follows to indicate which specific course you wish to import from Moodle 3.

Deadline: November 10, 2023 is the deadline to submit Moodle course requests for Spring and Winter terms. This allows time to complete imports before Thanksgiving break. Remaining weeks are then available to faculty for making course content edits.

Goal: 500 Course Migrations by Thanksgiving!! 

Progress to Date: As of 10/18/23, just 25% of all Spring and Winter 2024 courses are imported to Moodle 4. Faculty response to initial announcements late in September was productive but we need your Moodle course requests in order to meet the goal.

Spring 2024 and Winter Quarter 2024 Moodle 4 Migration Planning Calendar:

The calendar image provides a breakdown until classes begin in January.

  • September 25 – November 10 (Pink) is the period faculty are asked to submit course import requests. 
  • The rest of the highlighted dates are provided for your convenience and planning. Once course content is imported to your course in Moodle, you will be able to use the remaining time to prepare for the coming term.


Office of Information Technology HelpDesk 315-268-HELP (x4357) or helpdesk@clarkson.edu

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