Latex workshop 2023

This announcement comes from the Graduate Student Association student organization.

Dear Graduate Students,

Does it take hours and hours when you have to format your publications according to the preferences of different journals? Or do you spend a lot of time formatting your thesis?  LaTeX encourages authors not to worry too much about the appearance of their documents but to concentrate on getting the right content! 

It is only a matter of minutes when you learn to use Latex correctly. 

We have a wonderful instructor from the Math Department to help us get to use Latex correctly and more efficiently to use towards your writing goals. 

Workshop itself focuses on the use of LateX on your thesis and is followed by some practicals to get you right on track. However, spots are limited. 

Venue :  Snell 330,  Petersen BoardRoom

Date & Time : Tuesday, 07 November 2023, 12.00-2.00 PM

Please bring your own Laptop

There will be refreshments available for the participants. 
RSVP link :

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