CU Pantry Logo Contest

The Office of the Dean of Students is excited to announce the start of the CU Pantry’s logo competition! Our goal is to have a logo which is easily recognizable by the campus community in all of our marketing materials. Logo designs must meet the following criteria:

  • Include the name CU Pantry
  • Align with Clarkson University branding colors (Clarkson Green HEX: 004e42 and Clarkson Gold HEX: ffcd00)
  • Be an original creative design

The selected design will receive a self-selected Amazon prize valued up to $50!

Designs must be submitted using this link, which can also be found as a QR code on our flyers throughout campus. All designs must be submitted by November 27, 2023 at 11:59pm. 

Thank you for your participation in the CU Pantry Logo Competition. For more information about the CU Pantry, click here or contact

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