ECE Seminar Friday November 3rd

Electrical & Computer Engineering Seminar

Hands on Large Language Model (LLM) API Introduction 

Justin Au-Yeung

Graduate Student, Dept of ECE, Clarkson University

Abstract: Introduction into using Large Language Models (LLM) through APIs. This will go through some quick examples of easy usages such as calling chatgpt from a notebook and more advanced examples of talking to your own documents. The goal of this demo is to introduce everyone to some of the capabilities of using LLMs. 

Bio: Justin Au-Yeung is currently a Software Engineer at Pebble Finance, where he works with large language models, natural language processing, and machine learning to create personalized portfolios for customers. He graduated from Clarkson University with a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering in 2018 and is currently a part time masters student. Previously, he worked at Capital One as a Machine Learning Engineer on the graphML and Explainable AI teams.

Friday, Nov 3, 2023, 4pm

Via Zoom:

*Co-Sponsored by IEEE student branch and HKN


Electrical and Computer Engineering  CLARKSON UNIVERSITY  Potsdam, New York 13699-5720

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