IRS Announces ‘New’ 2024 Retirement Limits

The IRS recently announced the new 2024 retirement plan contribution limits. 

Effective January 1, 2024, you may choose to increase your maximum supplemental/voluntary contributions to your retirement account with TIAA.

  • Under the age of 50 $22,500 to $23,000
  • Over the age of 50 $30,000 to $30,500

To increase your voluntary contributions please log into TIAA’s website If you have not already created an account on the TIAA website you will first need to set that up. Once logged in you can manage your account and utilize the tools provided by TIAA to make changes to your voluntary contribution amounts.

Click here to view the IRS Announcement.

If you have any questions, please email HR at

Thank you,

Human Resources

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