Care Hub Can Help Students During Challenging Time of Year

This can be a challenging time of the year for students. As a campus leader, we hope you’ll remind students to care for their health, prioritize self-care, and utilize existing mental health resources.

The Care Hub is an all-in-one mental health and wellness platform that’s available 24/7, even through school breaks, where students can access the following:
● Self-Care – mini, self-guided wellness lessons
● Emotional Wellness Coaching – short-term, goal-oriented sessions with a
professional coach
● Therapy – Video sessions with a therapist , up to 12 free sessions
● Psychiatry – high-quality psychiatric care, up to 9 free sessions
● On-Demand Emotional Support – in-the-moment support and problem-solving
● 24/7 Crisis Support – available via phone or text
Mantra Health providers are also available to work with students in all 50 states should students wish to continue their care beyond the end of the semester. Mantra’s services are available to students aged 18 and older.
Refer students to this Care Hub link.

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