To all Clarkson Faculty, Staff, and Students:

Please be advised that for the women’s hockey game against St. Lawrence University this Wednesday, November 8, we will be hosting students from a number of schools across St. Lawrence and Franklin counties who will be travelling to campus by bus. We expect to have approximately 2700 visitors to campus and about 50 buses. For this event, buses will park in the Lower Cheel lot and on the roadway connecting Upper Cheel and Lower Cheel. This portion of roadway and the Lower Cheel parking lot will be closed to all traffic and must be cleared starting Tuesday afternoon 11/7 until 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday. Any vehicles parked in the lot after it has been closed will be towed at the owner’s expense. Please also note there will be increased traffic in the area surrounding Cheel during drop off and pick up for the event. Athletics parking attendants and Campus Safety and Security Officers will be assisting with traffic and parking management.
We recognize and understand that this is a significant ask for the commuters, residents, and employees who typically park in this lot. Therefore, for this day only, we will allow parking in any designated parking space on campus except for accessible spaces, service areas, and fire lanes. We will also allow a limited number of vehicles to park on the Adirondack Trail roadside. Parking on grass or walkways will NOT be permitted.
Please be sure when parking that you are not obstructing vehicle or pedestrian traffic. Any vehicles creating a hazard or otherwise violating parking policy will be subject to any normal sanctions including fines, immobilization, and/or towing. Normal parking enforcement will resume on 11/9.
Questions concerning parking can be directed to Campus Safety and Security at or (315)268-6666. We hope you have a safe and pleasant week and consider supporting your Golden Knights on Wednesday!
Campus Safety and Security
Clarkson Athletics