Task Force update, 11/22/23

Dear colleagues,

The Re-imagining Clarkson Task Force continues to work tirelessly with diligence as we begin to draft some cost-savings recommendations.  This message contains an update on our work, and some FAQ below.

What has the Task Force been doing this week?

In the past week, the Task Force has engaged in deep discussions with each other, with students, and with university leadership.  Members of the Task Force participated in an open forum organized by CUSA, where they heard concerns directly from students and engaged in dialogue about the work for the Task Force.  The Task Force as a whole engaged in meaningful dialogue with President Christensen about Clarkson’s values, the strength of offering comprehensive STEM degrees, anticipated future needs, and assets.  We have also begun grappling with larger questions regarding optimal organization of academic units to maintain disciplinary identities while also creating a path toward fiscal sustainability for Clarkson’s future.  Members of the Task Force have also interacted with each of the school-level task forces, listening for concerns and ideas as well as providing feedback about synergies with the Task Force’s likely recommendations.

What can I do to help?

We encourage faculty and staff to participate in their School’s Task Force as they develop their own cost-savings recommendations.  We also encourage everyone (including students) to continue to submit their cost-savings recommendations to suggestions@clarkson.edu .  Each message received is given consideration, even if we don’t reply directly to it.  We have received well over 200 distinct suggestions and comments to date.  Our ongoing tally of the types of suggestions received helps us assess the alignment of our recommendations with broader support from students, staff, and faculty as we start to prepare our report.

We plan to send our next update in one week.

The Re-imagining Clarkson Task Force
Tom Langen (co-chair, A&S)
Alex Cohen (co-chair,A&S)
Allan Zebedee (Reh)
Amanda Pickering (Provost Office)
Amber Stephenson (Reh)
Brian Helenbrook (Coulter)
Goodarz Ahmadi (Coulter)
Laura Ettinger (A&S)
Laurel Kuxhaus (Coulter)
Christopher Towler (Lewis)
Stephanie Schuckers (Coulter)

FAQ: (new/updated questions are marked with an *)

Q: How can I reach the Task Force?
A: The best way is to use suggestions@clarkson.edu – we all have access to those messages.

Q: Will there be a way to send suggestions and comments anonymously?
A: Task Force members are happy to put forth suggestions on your behalf without revealing your identity.

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