ECE and CoE-HWS Seminar
Microplastics in freshwater ecosystem
Addrita Haque
AI Vision AI Vision, Health, Biometrics, and Applied Computing (AVHBAC) Lab
Clarkson University
Abstract: This talk presents the identification of microplastics in freshwater ecosystem. Microplastic pollution is a growing concern worldwide, with rivers and their tributaries playing a pivotal role in transporting and distributing these particles throughout ecosystems. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of microplastic pollution in a riverine system. The investigation encompassed the collection and analysis of water, bed load, and suspended sediment load samples to determine the abundance and distribution of microplastics. Physical and chemical properties of the microplastic samples were characterized, including size, shape, polymer type, and calculation of risk assessment. The microplastics displayed diverse physical attributes, with prevalent irregular shapes and varying polymer types, suggesting multiple sources and degradation processes. Furthermore, our risk assessment revealed the presence of microplastics in all sample types, indicating a substantial level of pollution in the freshwater ecosystem. These findings underscore the pressing need for mitigation strategies to address the growing issue of microplastic pollution in aquatic ecosystems.
Bio: Addrita Haque is a MSc candidate at the Clarkson University. Her academic pursuits center on the meticulous field sampling and detection of these microscopic pollutants, specifically honing in on riverine, canal, and creek microplastics. In her current research, Addrita meticulously explores the abundance, as well as the physical and chemical properties of microplastics within these diverse water bodies.
AVHBAC Lab is involved in fundamental research on the synergy of microsensors, vision, and computational intelligence to provide fusion solutions to multidisciplinary problems ranging from health to rehabilitation, the environment (microplastics research), and robotics.
Wednesday, Nov 29, 2023, 4pm
CAMP 176
Also on Zoom: https://clarkson.zoom.us/j/99689458746?pwd=eVowa1RleDRwdWNNT1pyUS82eUpmdz09