Men’s Hockey Game Parking Information

A new traffic pattern along the back access road, also known as the Adirondack Trail, will be implemented to increase fan safety,  for all home Men’s Hockey games starting on Saturday December 2nd.  Traffic will be one-way upon entering campus from route 11 onto the back access road (Adirondack Trail Rd), starting two hours before every men’s hockey home game. The one-way traffic will continue to the back of campus past the theme houses to the lot by the water tower.  The left lane will be used to diagonally park cars on the roadway during the game.  Barricades and signs will be in place to show the traffic pattern as well as staff in the beginning stages.  Cars that are parked on the access road will need to be moved within one hour of the conclusion of each game so that two way traffic can resume.  Any vehicle left on the road more than one hour after a game will be towed at the owner’s expense.  Traffic will exit campus following the game through the Woodstock and Foster House exits.  The Woodstock gates will be opened on game nights.  (see image below for direction of traffic). The December 2nd game is a 4pm start time so the traffic pattern will be affected starting at 2pm.

Informational video about the changes:

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