Task Force update, 12/6/23

Dear colleagues,

The Re-imagining Clarkson Task Force has had an intense week. This message contains an update on our work, and some FAQ below.

What has the Task Force been doing this week?

We have continued to remain in near constant contact with each other and University leadership. Given the need for robust discussion, we have extended our typical meeting times and held an 8-hour weekend retreat/work session on campus to build consensus around additional cost-saving recommendations. As a Task Force member articulated at our retreat, our recommendations are holistic across the institution, “…hand-in-hand, with shared sacrifice for the mission of Clarkson.”

We have assembled a first draft of our report, which is under review by the President and the VP for Finance. We anticipate engaging in rich dialogue to refine our recommendations and their total effects on Clarkson as we move forward, as we finalize our report due next week.

What can I do to help?
We thank all who have sent in their comments via suggestions@clarkson.edu, the School-level Task Forces, or by individual communications with Task Force members. These have been valuable as we shape our recommendations.

Looking forward…

We know that everyone is anxious to see our report – we are anxious to finalize it too! As is typical in these processes, the details of our recommendations have evolved rapidly and we expect continued evolution based on dialogue with Clarkson’s leaders this week. We thank you for your patience, and know that the President has committed to sharing our final report widely.

We are strongly recommending that the process of moving academic units take place next semester. Nuanced conversations are still occurring.

We plan to send our next update in one week.


The Re-imagining Clarkson Task Force
Tom Langen (co-chair, A&S)
Alex Cohen (co-chair,A&S)
Allan Zebedee (Reh)
Amanda Pickering (Provost Office)
Amber Stephenson (Reh)
Brian Helenbrook (Coulter)
Goodarz Ahmadi (Coulter)
Laura Ettinger (A&S)
Laurel Kuxhaus (Coulter)
Christopher Towler (Lewis)
Stephanie Schuckers (Coulter)

FAQ: (new/updated questions are marked with an *)

Q: How can I reach the Task Force?
A: The best way is to use suggestions@clarkson.edu – we all have access to those messages.

Q: Will there be a way to send suggestions and comments anonymously?
A: Task Force members are happy to put forth suggestions on your behalf without revealing your identity.

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