Study: Intimate Partner Violence Victimization in College Students: Emotional Health and Gender Differences

The Culture, Family, and Child Development Lab (CFCD) Lab in the psychology department is looking for participants for this study as part of an undergraduate student’s thesis. 

This is a VOLUNTARY study. Your identity will remain anonymous

Criteria: All participants must be 18+, enrolled in a 4-year university, and must have been in a relationship that lasted at least one month within the last year

Goal of the study: (1) explore the relationship between emotional health and IPV victimization and (2) compare emotional health outcomes of students of different gender/sexual identities.

Benefits: For your participation, you will be entered into a raffle at the end of the semester for 1 of 4 $15 gift cards

The deadline to participate to be entered into the raffle for this semester is Friday, 12/15

Link to participate:

You can also scan the QR code on the poster.

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