Preparations for Spring 2024 Course Start Up

Instructors: A reminder that class begins January 11, 2024. The following checklist will help you with pre-term course preparations:

Show Your Course in Moodle

Students need access to their courses in Moodle prior to the start of term. To make that happen, instructors must turn their Moodle course from Hide to Show. Early access helps to avoid first day jitters. Students can confirm their enrollment and access any pre-term information you wish to convey. Instructors can select which information students can see, hide all the rest until a later time. So go ahead, and show that course now!

Put Your Best Foot Forward

The following curated list will help Instructors to publish course materials inside Moodle:

Get Acquainted with Classroom Technology

For those teaching in classrooms, it is a good practice to get acquainted with your classroom before the first day of class. Take time to stop by to confirm location, login to the computer and become familiar with controls for overhead projection, microphone audio, webcasting/recording options and pen touch tablet. More information about technology in Clarkson Learning Spaces here.

Additional Help

Office of Information Technology Help Desk 315-268-HELP (x4357) or

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