Welcome to our newest Golden Knights and Welcome Back to our returning Golden Knights!

image with white background, cut flowers and states Welcome Back to Campus

The Residence Life Office hopes you all had a wonderful winter break and holiday season. Below are reminders and information for the spring semester. 

Returning to Campus

Moving Rooms/Keys

Students who are or did move rooms must return their old room keys and pick up new keys from Price Hall, the Residence Life office on the first floor M-F 8 am-4:30 pm. If old room keys are not returned students will be charged for a lock change. 

Students are responsible for ensuring the pick up for keys and return of keys to avoid being fined, and to ensure steps towards students’ safety of self and their possessions in residential spaces. 

Students who have not picked up their residential keys by 9 am on January 22nd will receive a $25 fine on their student account for failing to adhere to campus policies regarding keys and access:

  • Students are expected to keep access doors to residence halls closed and locked at all times.  
  • Room keys should remain with the students occupying the corresponding room. 

If you are not arriving on campus until after January 22nd please communicate with Residence Life and include your anticipated arrival date. The Residence Life Office is located in Price Hall office suite 1003. The office is open M-F 8 am-4:30 pm.

Meal Plans

You can change/update your meal plan through the Residence Life Office (email reslife@clarkson.edu) before 4:30 pm on January 19th, 2024. 

Information regarding meal plans can be found here https://www.clarkson.edu/dining-services

Residence Life Staff Selection for 2024-2025

Students who would like to apply to join the Residence Life team for the 2024-2025 academic year can apply beginning January 29th via knightlife until February 16th 4:00 pm. There will be an application, resume, and recommendation required. Applicants will need to attend the Group Activity Day on February 17th from 10 am-1 pm. Interviews will be offered the following day to select candidates moving forward in the process. Decisions will be made about job offers by March 15th 4:30 pm. 

The Residence Life Student staff (excluding working with the Clarkson School), will receive a scholarship to cover the cost of their full room cost for the year. The Clarkson School student staff receives full room and full board.

Housing Lottery Dates

Please review the important dates related to our Housing Lottery which is where students select their housing for the following academic year. Students should review the full daily campus announcements which will begin going out in the next few weeks for more information.

Office of Accessibility Housing Renewals and New Requests – Due by March 1st to OAS

Find my Roommate Request Form (email) – March 1st-14th, 4:30 pm

Housing Exemption Request Form (on Knightlife) – Due by March 15th

Please review the student regulations for off-campus exemption policies. https://www.clarkson.edu/student-achievement-services-sas/clarkson-regulations Students currently residing off-campus must renew their requests (medical through OAS, Fraternity or Sorority through OSL) and all others through Emma Blaiklock via email. 

Housing Contract and Lottery Numbers (on myCU) – Available starting March 8th 

(regardless of when you log into the system in no way affects what number you are assigned. Numbers are assigned based on how long you have resided within campus housing)

Apartment Housing/Same Room Selection and Ham/Pow Plan Applications (on Knightlife) – Available March 8th until March 20th 4:30pm

Late requests will not be reviewed

Office of Accessibility Housing placements (found on myCU) – March 8th

Students must accept or decline their placements by 4:30 pm March 15th, 2024 via email to 

Emma Blaiklock, Residential Housing Manager at eblaiklo@clarkson.edu

Apartment Applications/Same room selection/HamPow plan will be reviewed, and all group contact person(s) notified of their approval or denial- March 25th, evening, via email notice

Approved Apartment Housing Groups and Ham/Pow Plan groups will select housing- on March 26th

Numbers 0-999 Housing Lottery Night – April 1st

Numbers 1000-1999 Housing Lottery Night – April 2nd

Numbers 2000-2999  Housing Lottery Night – April 3rd

More information will continue to be shared throughout the spring semester. Students should feel free to reach out to the Residence Life Staff in their area with questions or email reslife@clarkson.edu or by phone 315-268-6642. 

Campus Breaks

February Break

During February Break, which takes place Feb. 22-25, the residence halls and limited dining halls will remain open (meal plans will not be available), and students do not need to vacate housing for this break. Contact Campus Safety and Security during this time for emergencies at 315-268-6666. 

Spring Break

During Spring break students will not be allowed to stay on campus unless they have received approval from the Residence Life Office or are on an approved team/department/group etc. Spring Break takes place from when classes end on Friday, March 15th until 8 am on Sunday, March 24th. 

  • All students will be able to stay in their residential spaces until Saturday, March 16th at 10:00 am. At that time Residence Life staff and other university officials will be inspecting and closing rooms. 
  • If a student needs to stay past 10:00 am on March 10th, regardless of for how long, they must log into knightlife and fill out a vacation housing form before  on the Residence Life page https://knightlife.clarkson.edu/organization/residencelife
  • If a student needs to arrive back to campus earlier than March 24th 8:00 am, when the residence halls reopen, they must log into knightlife and must fill out an early arrival form on the Residence Life page https://knightlife.clarkson.edu/organization/residencelife
  • Students cannot be on campus during this time without permission

There are no dining services during this time. 

Vacating Campus in May

For the end of the semester, non-graduating students must be out of their residence halls within 24 hours of their last exam, or by 10:00 am on Wednesday, May 8th (whichever comes first)

  • Graduating students will need to vacate the campus by 10:00 am on Sunday, May 12th
  • If a student needs to stay past 10:00 am on May 8th, regardless of for how long,  they must log into knightlife and must fill out a vacation housing form on the Residence Life page https://knightlife.clarkson.edu/organization/residencelife

Students cannot stay on campus without approval. 

Clarkson will not store student items on campus during the summer vacation. Students can contact the Residence Life Office through email at reslife@clarkson.edu or by phone at 315-268-6642


The Residence Life Office is open M-F 8 am-4:30 pm and located in Price Hall suite 1003. We can be reached via reslife@clarkson.edu or by phone at (315) 268-6642. Our team is made up of Professional Staff members known as Area Coordinators (AC) for each area of campus and Resident Advisors (RA, who are student staff in each area of housing). 

Clarkson is a four-year residential campus which means students are required to live on campus all four years (8 semesters) of their undergraduate experience. Students who do not reside in an apartment are required to be on a full meal plan. Students have until the end of the second week of classes to change their meal plan with the Office of Residence Life in Price Hall. 

The Residence Life Office reserves the right to make changes to residential assignments at any time, with little or no notice, in response to facility limitations, changes in enrollment, conflict resolution, etc., or to address the needs of the overall residential community. This includes reassigning students to any vacant spaces.

Students who need accommodations related to a medical diagnosis should contact the Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) via email at oas@clarkson.edu or visit their website accessibility-services 

Students are required to be responsible for the keys to your residential space, failure to pick up the key for your room may result in a fine of $25 (only in cases where students choose to not pick up a key). Keys that are lost, or not turned in when necessary will be charged to students’ accounts. 

Residents are financially liable for damage to rooms, apartments, furnishings, and common area facilities. Residents are responsible for completing a Room Condition Report when moving into a room/apartment, these can be picked up from your RA/HA. If a report is not submitted, the resident is liable for all damages or repairs discovered by a University Official. Fees for unclaimed or common area damages will be shared jointly by the residing students.

The University expects that all students and organizations will conduct themselves as responsible members of society as defined by the student regulations. Failure to comply with instructions of administrative officials, including resident advisers, who have duly identified themselves may result in disciplinary action. 

To find the complete University Student Regulations 2023-2024 please go to


Important Phone Numbers

911 – Emergency Services

988- Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

(315) 268-6666 – Campus Safety and Security

(315) 268-6633 – Student Health & Counseling Center

(315) 268-4000 –  Facilities & Services (rolls over to Campus Safety in the evenings)

(315) 379-9845 – Renewal House 

(315) 265-2422 – Reachout of St. Lawrence County

Mantra Health Online Services for Clarkson Students mantrahealth.com/clarkson

Reslife Student Staff on Duty

RA duty begins at 8:00 pm every night of the semester. RAs will remain on active duty until 11:00 p.m. on weeknights and 1:00 a.m. on weekend nights. Your RA can provide you with the duty phone number for your area. RAs can help with unlocks, addressing policy violations, safety concerns, conflicts, and more.  

Campus Safety is open, operating, and available 24/7/365 and can assist with facilities issues, safety/medical issues or concerns, unlocks, car issues, safety walks, addressing policy violations and more. 

Common Policies/Regulations Reminders:

*This list is not fully comprehensive of all policies and regulations students are responsible for knowing and upholding all campus policies which can be found in the Student Regulations. Violations of campus policy are subject to the University conduct system. 

Students who would like to learn more about the conduct process and university sanctions through the Student Regulations Code of Conduct can be found in the Student Regulations.


Students are permitted to have visitors and guests in their residence with the understanding that visitors are expected to adhere to all University regulations, including residence regulations.

The resident host should understand that they are responsible for their guest’s behavior and that hosts can be sanctioned for the inappropriate behavior of visitors and guests. Guests should not be left unattended in the residence halls or apartments without their host. Any guest that will be staying in University housing for more than 24 hours must be registered with a member of the Residence Life staff through a Visitor Registration Form. Mutual consent from all roommates is required for overnight guests. Overnight guests are limited to one person per resident. It is expected that no overnight guest will stay longer than 72 hours per month. During times the University is closed guests are not permitted within the residential buildings. This includes November, Winter, Spring, and summer breaks. The form to request a visitor can be found on knightlife. 

Personal Property Insurance

The University does not carry insurance of any kind on the property of students and accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to such property. Students are encouraged to carry their own personal property insurance. Students are expected to keep access doors to residence halls closed and locked at all times. 

Quiet and Courtesy Hours 

Quiet Hours are designated times when noise will be kept to a minimum to allow studying and sleep. Stereos, televisions and other devices must be played at lower volume levels that will not disturb other residents. Quiet hours must be observed between 11:00 p.m. – 7:00 a.m. during the week (Sunday through Thursday) and 1:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. on weekends (Friday and Saturday). Alternative quiet hours are in effect during the week before and during final exams. All residents are expected to extend courtesy and consideration and be sensitive to the needs of other residents at all times. Courtesy Hours are in effect 24/7 in the residential areas. Each resident and their visitors have the responsibility to act with consideration for others. 

Residence Hall Activities/Sports

Playing physical games or sports, and/or roughhousing within residential areas is prohibited. This is to protect the rights of other residents, to prevent personal injury, and to prevent damage to University or personal property. Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action and/or confiscation of equipment. Activities include, but are not limited to:

● Tossing, bouncing, or kicking a ball, frisbee, etc.;

● Use of roller blades, bikes, scooters, hoverboards, Nerf or squirt guns, water balloons, etc.;

● Boxing or wrestling;

● Behavior deemed disruptive by University staff.

Safety Inspections

The University reserves the right to inspect premises for safety, damage and repair or upgrade planning. Students are responsible for keeping their rooms and apartments in a sanitary condition. The University will, as needed, conduct an inspection of the rooms in the interest of hygiene and safety. Rooms or apartments declared unsanitary and requiring the use of the custodial staff will be charged for the unscheduled cleaning. 


The University is unable to store personal belongings. Residents are expected to remove all personal belongings when vacating campus housing. Items stored/left in hallways, entryways, or stairways are a fire hazard and are subject to immediate confiscation. Violators will be responsible for a fine determined by Environmental Health and Safety when retrieving confiscated items. Students are encouraged to explore off-campus storage options in the Potsdam, Canton, and surrounding areas.  


Students 21 years of age or older may possess and/or consume alcoholic beverages in campus housing. Students of age are expected to exercise moderation and responsibility. For more information on the Alcohol Policy, refer to IX-A in the student regulations.

  • Kegs and other communal drinking sources are not permitted.
  • Alcohol containers of any kind, full or empty, found in an underage student’s room will be considered a violation of the Alcohol Policy, refer to IX-A in the student regulations.
  • Possession of alcohol in public residential areas (regardless of students’ age), i.e. hallways, lounges, and outdoor spaces is prohibited unless the event is registered and has been approved by the Office of Student Life.


The University does not condone any illegal act involving the possession, manufacture, use (except when properly authorized by a physician), or sale of controlled substances (drugs) on campus. For additional information, refer to the IX-B Drug Policy in the student regulations.


Smoking and vaping are not permitted anywhere in University housing. Smokers and vapors must be at least 30 feet from residence facilities when smoking outdoors. For more information, refer to the IX-U Smoking Policy in the student regulations.

Medical Amnesty/Good Samaritan Policy

Clarkson’s Medical Amnesty and Good Samaritan Exemptions are integrated components of Student Regulations and the Code of Student Conduct and are designed to focus first on the safety and wellbeing of students without fear that actions to protect the safety and wellbeing of students will result in individual or organizational sanctions relating to the use of Drugs and/or Alcohol. For more information review the Student Regulations. 

(image with white background, cut flowers and states Welcome Back to Campus)

Keep an eye out for more information from the Residence Life Team throughout the semester and by following our Instagram page @clarksonreslife 

Best Wishes, 

The Office of Residence Life

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