Join faculty and students from the four colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley to engage in active scholarly discussion on the topic of allyship as a mechanism for supporting inclusion in our community. Professor Pillay will discuss what allyship has meant to her in her life and career, incorporating allyship through indigenous teaching frameworks, and strategies for enabling allyship in our community. This student/faculty dialogue event is sponsored by the Associated College of the St. Lawrence Valley.
Monday, February 19th
7PM – 8PM
SUNY Canton, Miller Campus Center, Room 218-220
34 Cornell Drive, Canton, NY
Professor Raamitha Pillay
STEM Educator, Activist, and
Instructor of Electrical Engineering Technology at SUNY Canton
Facilitated by: Dr. Christina Leshko, Anti-Racist Working Group & Dr. Emily Hamilton-Honey, Co-Chief Diversity Officer
Participate in-person or via TEAMS live online:
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 243 260 418 019
Passcode: mCF5qk