Midwinter Ceremonies/ Sha’tekohséhne

Poster. All text from poster is included in the main post.

Midwinter Ceremonies

For the Haudenosaunee, the cycle of ceremonies begins with Sha’tekohséhne (Midwinter Ceremonies) and are several days of ceremonies, dancing, speeches, and feasts in the Longhouse. This is to honor the natural world for the gifts from last year and to call them to continue in this new year. As the new year begins for many people, let us remember that the Indigenous People continue their practices.

Please note that some students that observe certain holidays may be absent from classes and to be respectful when inquiring about their absence. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion office promotes discussions and dialogue around religious observations and would be glad to facilitate such learning moments. To learn more, please reach out to diversity@clarkson.edu.

For any questions about the Haudenosaunee Cycle of Ceremonies, please get in touch with Phillip White-Cree, Coordinator of Indigenous Community Support and Outreach, at pwhitecr@clarkson.edu.

Clarkson University
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Office

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