STEM QuESTS Challenge Registration is Open–$5,000 in prizes

Poster. All information from the poster is included in the announcement text.

Think back to before college. What inspired YOU to choose your major and career pathway? Something fascinating you discovered in nature? Something going on in the world? Was it a teacher? An experiment you performed in a science lab? A hobby you are passionate about?”

The Institute for STEM Education is once again offering a challenge for Clarkson students with support from the Robert Plane Endowed Chair. In the challenge, Clarkson teams will create a hands-on educational activity to help spark an interest in STEM for local middle and high school students. The challenge is open to all undergraduate and graduate students and provides $5,000 in prizes for winning teams! Registration will continue through February 25th. You can register by self-enrolling in the moodle course here and filling out the brief registration form found in the course content. If you have any questions, please email!