Protocol for Submitting an Announcement

Submitting a request for an announcement is a simple way to get your information in front of the audiences you are trying to reach at Clarkson. To submit an announcement please follow the guidelines below.

Announcements should be emailed to This inbox is monitored daily by a member of the Marketing & External Relations team, and any announcement sent before 11:30 a.m. will show up in that day’s announcements digest, unless the sender indicates a different date. Emails sent to members of the Marketing & External Relations team on their personal Clarkson emails will not be included in the announcements. 

In an email, include the following information:

Headline: A short phrase or sentence that gives the reader an idea of what information is included in the announcement. 

Who/ Which Group is Sending: I.E. If this is not a University department message, please add who is sending the message. Example: This announcement is from XYZ Club or Organization.

Audiences: Faculty, Staff, Undergraduate and/or Graduate Students

Campuses: Potsdam, CRC and/or Beacon

Body of Announcement: In the announcement itself, include all relevant information. If you are submitting an event announcement, be sure to include the date, time, and location of the event, and indicate which campus audiences are welcome to attend. 

If you are submitting an announcement for a future date, please indicate which date(s) you would like your announcement to be included in the digest. Announcements submitted for multiple dates will be limited to one post per week.  

As part of our values of caring and growth, Clarkson is committed to maintaining accessibility in university information and communications. To ensure we meet this commitment, we ask that announcements do not include text heavy images. The bulk of content for announcements should be text-based and images should only be used to capture attention without containing important information. Any image submitted will need to have alternate text included. The alternate text should briefly describe what the image is so those who are visually impaired can get the same content as everyone else. Click here for tips and guidelines on writing alternate text.

If you are submitting a photo, please make sure the image is a JPG. PDFs may also be submitted, and will be added as an embedded attachment with full functionality. If you are submitting a flier for an event, you must also include all relevant information in the body of the announcement.

Note: If you want your image included in the announcement digest email itself, and not just internally in the link, please indicate that you would like the image set as the feature image for the announcement. 

The operations address the dissemination of information to campus. As a best practice, we encourage departments to ensure someone is reading announcements on a daily basis and supporting information sharing. We are evaluating a periodic newsletter system that would further support readership of key information and engagement in the Clarkson experience. If you would like to learn more about this initiative or have any questions, please send them to

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