Healthy Water Solutions logo and list of opportunities for fellowship posters and subscription

Opportunities with NYS CoE in Healthy Water Solutions

Healthy Water Solutions logo and list of opportunities for fellowship posters and subscription

Fellowships available for undergraduate and graduate students. Call for posters for our 2nd Annual Meeting. Stay connected! The vision of the NYS Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions at Clarkson University and SUNY ESF (CoE) is to ensure a healthy and sustainable future through the protection and conservation of water resources. Our mission is to generate solutions that help protect and improve waters for sustainable natural environments, healthy populations, resilient communities and sound economies.


Proposals due March 12, 2024

Full details in RFP:

The CoE is growing a portfolio of projects that demonstrate the benefits of the CoE to New York State in terms of answering critical water science questions while boosting employment, workforce training, or developing new technologies that can be commercialized.  

The CoE anticipates supporting at least ten fellowships between Clarkson and ESF, to be awarded between May 1, 2024 and June 30, 2024.  The CoE will provide undergraduate and graduate fellowships for students that have engaged in projects addressing the mission of the CoE. These projects may have entailed research, outreach and education, or a collaboration with a partnering company or organization. A faculty advisor should have assisted with the project and supervised the student work. Fellowships will be a lump sum of $10,000 for graduate students and $8,000 for undergraduate students (distributed in two lump sums to student). 


Poster registration due April 5, 2024

Full details:

The CoE invites poster proposals for our 2nd Annual Meeting.  A key component of the meeting is to provide an opportunity to share research, results, and make connections with potential partners in academia and outside entities. Poster topics should be water related, New York State relevant, and be linked to the following areas:  

  • Technology development and research
  • Water science research
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Environmental justice
  • Education and outreach
  • Workforce development and training

Poster presenters will be required to also register for the meeting – there is no fee to attend and meals are included.

SAVE THE DATE:  MAY 15-16, 2024

CoE 2nd Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting will be held at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse, NY.  The meeting brings together researchers, practitioners, policy specialists and engaged citizens to find collaborative approaches to address current and emerging water issues in New York.


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More about the NYS Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions at Clarkson University and SUNY ESF:

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