Electrical & Computer Engineering Seminar

Electrical & Computer Engineering Seminar

Dr. Yonghong Chen

Chief Scientist, National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL)

Will present a talk entitled:

Uncertainty management in market operations with high penetration of renewables

Abstract: With an increasing penetration of weather-dependent resources and more frequent extreme weather events, market operations count on ancillary service products (i.e., reserves) to effectively manage uncertainty and variability. Transmission bottlenecks within the power system may impede the deliverability of reserves. Inadequate deliverable reserves may necessitate additional manual adjustments by operators, introducing potential uneconomic practices and distorting market price signals.

Traditionally, contingency reserves were designed to address uncertainties arising from generation outages. It has become crucial to adequately define reserve product requirements, to address aggregated uncertainties from generation outages, renewable and load forecast errors, net scheduled interchange uncertainties, and stranded capacity due to transmission constraints.

To enhance reserve deliverability, event-based zonal and nodal reserve clearing models have been implemented or studied. This seminar introduces methods developed by grid operators to improve uncertainty management and ancillary service product deliverability.

Bio: DR. Yonghong Chen is a Chief Scientist at NREL Grid Planning and Analysis Center. Prior to joining NREL, she worked at Midcontinent ISO for over 20 years and played key roles in the startup and development of MISO energy and ancillary service markets. Her research focuses on electricity market design, computation, power system operations and planning. She holds her PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from Washington State University and MBA from Indiana University. Dr. Chen is a Fellow of the IEEE.


Contact for Host faculty: Prof. Y Leo Jiang, yjiang@clarkson.edu

Wednesday April 17, 2024


*Co-Sponsored by IEEE student branch and HKN

You may find more information here: https://intranet.clarkson.edu/academic/school-of-engineering/electrical-computer-engineering/


        Electrical and Computer Engineering  l  CLARKSON UNIVERSITY  l  Potsdam, New York 13699-5720