Dr. Xiaocun Lu, an assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science, has been awarded a prestigious Engineering Research Initiation (ERI) grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). This grant supports his pioneering research aimed at developing advanced biophotonic technology for deep tissue imaging, which integrates the depth of ultrasound waves with the high-resolution capabilities of near-infrared imaging. This approach seeks to overcome the limitations of traditional imaging methods such as MRI, CT, and ultrasound imaging.

The core of this new technology lies in the use of near-infrared mechanochemical molecular transducers. These molecular reagents enable detailed visualization of molecular and sub-cellular structures deep within tissues, allowing physicians to access high-resolution, multicolored, and 3D images at unprecedented depths. This will significantly enhance the precision of medical diagnostics and treatments.
Dr. Lu highlights the broader impact of his research, stating, “This initiative extends beyond technological advancement to address accessibility and affordability, ensuring that these innovations benefit a broad spectrum of communities.” The project also aims to enhance STEM education and provide research opportunities for underserved communities, offering hands-on learning experiences to students from local schools.
Funding for this project will not only support the development of transformative imaging tools but also provide invaluable research and learning opportunities for both graduate and undergraduate students over the next several years. This initiative is set to foster a new generation of STEM workforce in biomedical technology.
To learn more about the project, go to https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2347621&HistoricalAwards=false