Pre-College Surveys – Clarkson Readiness Exams Available

We hope the end of your school year is going well! We are eager for all students at Clarkson to be successful in their courses. To help us gauge student preparation we’re asking you to complete the appropriate pre-college readiness survey.

Please log in to your Clarkson Status Portal with your username and password and complete them as needed.

Even if the surveys are not required you may wish to take them in the event that you later choose to add an additional major and/or change to a major for which they are required. Once you have logged in, you will see links to the surveys on your checklist.

  • 21 May – The surveys will be available on May 21 (we want you to finish your AP exams and your schoolwork before you shift focus).
  • 7 June – Preferred submission. Please try to have the exams done by June 7 so that we can address any issues that might arise.
  • 12 June – “Deadline Day” – We need these results so that we can start working through the process of building schedules for all the students.

Many undergraduate majors at Clarkson require Calculus and Calculus-based Physics as prerequisites to other higher-level courses. Data we obtain from the Math and Physics surveys will be used to help us build an appropriate schedule for you or otherwise advise you on appropriate course selection and any areas that may need reinforcement to give you the best chance of a successful start to your studies. Please approach the surveys seriously, making sure the results reflect your own ability. Performance on the math survey will also be used to validate any requests for AP or transfer credit in Calculus. Specifically for the Math Survey – the Math Department will contact you in mid-June to give feedback on the results of the survey.

All undergraduate majors at Clarkson need to write clearly. Clear, formal writing requires correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Data we obtain from the Writing Mechanics survey will be used to help us build an appropriate schedule for you or otherwise advise you on opportunities for strengthening your writing if needed.  Three slideshows on Writing Mechanics will help you review before you take the survey, so allow yourself time to review before you take the survey.  You will receive immediate feedback upon completion of the survey. If necessary, the Writing Center will contact you to follow up. 

The intention behind these surveys is to help you succeed in your first year at Clarkson and in subsequent courses. The statistical evidence of these surveys in the past shows a strongly positive effect for students who have taken the advice for any additional preparation seriously. 

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