MAE Faculty Awarded User Proposal from Los Alamos National lab

Dr Aikaterini Bellou, a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering has been awarded a user proposal from the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) at Los Alamos National Laboratory.  The proposed work titled “Uncovering the strengthening mechanisms in nature-inspired metal/ceramic multinanolayered coatings” aims to understand the fundamental dislocation-based deformation mechanisms in nanolayered metal/ceramic composites when a structural and compositional gradient is introduced through the film thickness, and design novel strong and tough coatings with increased resistance to localized impact and corrosion at high temperatures and pressures. The study will use a hybrid approach that combines multiscale modeling and experiments, in collaboration with faculty at Clarkson University and University of Michigan Dearborn.

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