Important: New Checklist Items to Complete

The Office of the Dean of Students promotes your personal and academic growth and serves as a central contact for resources like the CU Pantry (Collins Hill Campus) and Emergency Relief Fund. We also oversee SafetyNet, a committee that addresses reports of students needing assistance. Please pay attention to any SafetyNet notifications, as they are meant to help you stay on track. Additionally, a summary of campus and local resources is available here.

Our office oversees the Student Regulations, outlining your rights and responsibilities. As a Clarkson student, you are expected to review these Regulations. Additional information and resources are available on the Dean of Students Intranet page.

You’ll notice that two new checklist items have appeared in your Student Portal. These items are required online training that must be completed prior to the start of the semester. The training is intended to help you develop healthy skills and knowledge surrounding topics like alcohol and drug use as well as sexual assault prevention. The training will equip you with the tools necessary to keep yourself safe and support your peers.

We hope that your year is engaging, memorable, and all that you wish your college experience to be. Please reach out to us at if there is anything we can do to assist your experience.

Brian Grant, Vice President for Enrollment and Student Advancement
Kelsey Pearson, Dean of Students

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