Mock Dorm Room Burn

On Thursday, August 29th at 6:30 pm, Environmental Health & Safety, Student Life & Engagement and the Office of Student Organizations will light a controlled fire in a simulated dorm room in the Moore House parking lot.

Firefighters spray a fire-filled model dorm room with fire hoses in a parking lot in front of a building on Clarkson's campus.

Known as the Mock Dorm Room Burn, the demonstration is intended to help raise awareness and educate Clarkson students about the danger of residence hall fires and the importance of fire safety.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, United States fire departments respond to over 3,000 structure fires in dormitories, fraternity houses, and sorority houses every year. Statistics show that most dorm fires occur between 4 pm and midnight, and on weekends. Cooking equipment was involved in nearly 9 out of 10 reported fires, and unattended equipment was the most common factor contributing to the ignition of these fires. Other common causes of dorm fires are cigarettes, candles, incense and electrical malfunctions. 

The Potsdam Fire Department will be on hand at the mock burn to make sure the fire is lit, maintained and extinguished in a safe and controlled environment. If you have any questions related to this event, please feel free to reach out to Brian Moulton, Fire & Life Safety Specialist, at

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