Fall Tutoring Begins September 1

Tutoring for the Fall 2024 semester will begin on Sunday, September 1. Drop in tutoring is available for first-year chemistry, calculus, and physics in QUAD 200 Sunday through Thursday 7-11 p.m. and in the Student Success Center (ERC1400) Monday through Thursday 3-5 p.m. Drop in tutoring for sophomore and junior level math, physics and engineering courses takes place in CAMP 178 Sunday through Wednesday from 7-11 p.m. Small group tutoring can also be requested through myCU. For more information or with any questions about tutoring, please contact Kate Mikel at kmikel@clarkson.edu

white background with the outline of a top bound spiral notebook with text in three boxes. Box 1 reads " Evening Drop-In: QUAD 200: Sun-Thurs, CAMP 178: Sun-Wed. Both centers open 7 p.m. - 11 p.m." There is a sidebar reading: " CAMP 178 sophomore/ junior level math, engineering, physics" Box 2 reads Daytime Drop-In: Student Success Center (ERC 1400): Mon-Thurs Open 3 p.m. to 5 p.m." and has a sidebar reading " SSC & QUAD 200 first-year calc, chemistry, physics." Box three reads " Small Group: scheduled weekly sessions, 6-8 students, can be requested through myCU." At the bottom is a section reading "Questions? For more information about tutoring, contact Kate Mikel at kmikel@clarkson.edu."
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