UNIV399 class and Spring Break Trip abroad for undergraduate students includng Clarkson School, First Year students through Seniors

We are currently planning to offer a section of UNIV399 in the spring semester which will include a trip abroad during the spring break (March 14-23) for undergraduate students.  This section does not fulfill the requirement for the David D. Reh School of Business students but will fulfill a knowledge area requirement (3 credit hours). We are trying to obtain the feedback of students on the preferred trip location so would appreciate any interested students to complete the Google Form by Monday, September 16 at Noon.  I will be scheduling an Information Session in the next few weeks to provide further information.
Thank you for your participation and possible interest in this class.  If you need additional information, please contact Brenda Kozsan, Interim Head of The Clarkson School, at bkozsan@clarkson.edu.  Thank you!

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