CU Pantry Restocked!

The Office of the Dean of Students is excited to announce the arrival of the CU Pantry’s first order from the Food Bank of Central New York (FBCNY). Through our new partnership with FBCNY, the CU Pantry has purchased nutritious food and beverages for students experiencing food insecurity. Current inventory includes eggs, frozen carrots, cauliflower rice, cheese, vegan cheese, canned fruit, shelf stable meat, shelf stable milk, and more. 

Open refrigerator and freezer showing various foods including vegetables in the freezer and eggs and cheese in the refrigerator.

Any students in need of using the CU Pantry are welcome to visit Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm in Price 1003. To ensure all students are able to utilize this critical service, please take one of each item with a total of up to eight items. Please be sure to tally your use of the Pantry during your visit to help us quantify our usage.

Thank you to the CU Pantry team and its donors for making this important service available to our students! If you wish to volunteer or donate to the CU Pantry, please contact for more information.

Two shelving units filled with various foods including canned meats, canned fruits, pasta, and sauce as well as hygiene products such as toothbrushes, tampons, and pads.
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