Updates on the Clarkson Common Experience Committee

As part of our ongoing efforts to assess and improve the Clarkson Common Experience, work has been initiated to create a new CCE committee (CCEC) and reflect on its charge and organizational structure, and identify the most critical tasks for the coming semester. We have sent an update and proposal to the Faculty Senate to recommend changes to the Operations Manual to better reflect the task that the CCEC needs to do. Briefly, the proposal establishes three subcommittees: one to look at the current curricular offerings; one to look at the role of Student Affairs; and one to think toward the future. These subcommittees will all be seeking input from stakeholders from across campus to provide essential information to help assess what we are currently doing, generate ideas for the future and provide input on recommendations for revision of the Common Experience. This will be discussed at Monday’s Faculty Senate meeting (4pm).  Stay tuned for announcements of public meetings for further input on the Common Experience.

The link to the full proposal sent to the Faculty Senate is  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13BZiZcf8BuOlkWymV4BowpSN5zsVWtHx?usp=drive_link

Sue Powers, Chuck Thorpe, and Holly Sypniewski 

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