Contact Event Manager Kathryn Puleo: or 315.386.4000 ext. #4
SUNY Potsdam’s Maxcy Hall Field House | December 6 & 8, 2024
Friday, December 6 | Show Setup & Vendor Assistance
12:30pm – 3:30pm 3 VOLUNTEERS REQUESTED
· Label booth spaces (& assist with marking any remaining booth sites if needed), set-up *Chamber Members* tables/chairs, hang up directional signage. Vendor assistance from 2:30-3:30PM includes unloading vehicles & directing to booth sites/parking directionals. Kathryn to pre-mark booth spaces with SUNY Potsdam students prior to 12:30PM.
3:30pm – 6:30pm 2 VOLUNTEERS REQUESTED
· Assist unloading vendor’s vehicles & directing to booth sites/parking directionals. STLC Chamber Team: Set-up Admissions Tabling.
Saturday, December 7 | Vendor Set-up Assistance & Admissions Table
7:00am – 10:00am 3 VOLUNTEERS REQUESTED
· Assist unloading vendor’s vehicles & directing to booth sites/parking directionals. Ensure all vendors’ cars are moved by 9:30am and are “checked in with chamber staff”. Prior to leaving, the morning team will greet/welcome customers waiting as early birds in the hallway (event begins at 10:00am). Ensure they have cash ready ($5 admission).
9:30am – 1:00pm 3 VOLUNTEERS REQUESTED
· Admissions Table & People Counting. *Show begins @10AM. Arriving early permits volunteers to be fully aware of venue layout (parking, bathrooms, booth sites, admissions table operations, etc.) before show hours start. NOTE: The morning will be the BUSIEST time of day for admissions.
1:00pm – 4:30pm 3 VOLUNTEERS REQUESTED
· Admissions Table & People Counting. (+) Table reset & reorg for tomorrow’s event. Assist with assuring all vendors have left the venue. (Show ends at 4PM). Kathryn will stay in the facility until SUNY Potsdam locks all doors.
Sunday, December 8 | Admissions Table & Breakdown
9:30am – 12:00pm 3 VOLUNTEERS REQUESTED
· Admissions Table & People Counting. *Show begins @10AM. Arriving early permits volunteers to be fully aware of the venue layout (parking, bathrooms, booth sites, admissions table operations, etc.) before show hours start. NOTE: The morning will be the BUSIEST time of day for admissions.
12:00pm – 3:00pm 3 VOLUNTEERS REQUESTED
· Admissions Table & People Counting.
3:00pm – 6:00pm 2 VOLUNTEERS REQUESTED
· Last hour of admissions table & people counting (event concludes at 4PM). Assist with event breakdown: remove signage within and surrounding Maxcy Hall. Assist with vendor departure & general post event cleanup (removing tape and consolidating leftover items, i.e. boxes). Assist chamber team with packing admission table and all event materials/signage. Kathryn will stay in the facility until SUNY Potsdam locks all doors.