Clarkson University scientist Lauren Petley, PhD, has recently been elected as secretary of the board for the Auditory Perception and Cognition Society (APCS). Founded in 2002, the APCS, its associated annual conference, the Auditory Perception, Cognition, and Action Meeting, and its flagship journal, Auditory Perception & Cognition, serve as vital conduits for the dissemination of auditory cognitive science. Although the neurocognitive mechanisms that shape our perception and understanding of the world must contend with multisensory events, the study of cognition is dominated by visual research. APCS and its associated venues were established to fill this fundamental gap and help cognitive science break through these boundaries. With her diverse background in biomedical device and diagnostics development, behavioral neuroscience, and cognitive science, Dr. Petley is uniquely equipped to serve as a unifying voice, helping to connect scientists from all domains of hearing research, across basic science, clinical practice, and the technology sector. At Clarkson, she is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology, who contributes primarily to neuroscience instruction. More information on her research program and activities can be found here.