The Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley is now accepting proposals for Faculty Seminars and Faculty/Student Dialogues to be held in Spring 2025.
This funding is available for inter-university convenings around academic subjects:
Faculty Seminars: The Faculty Seminars program provides up to $1,000 to bring faculty from all four campuses together to exchange ideas, share scholarly interests, discuss curricular issues, promote faculty development, advance individual research interests, read works-in-progress, and on occasion, to host a guest speaker.
Faculty/Student Dialogues: The purpose of the Faculty/Student Dialogues program is to bring students and faculty together from the four campuses to collaboratively discuss issues they are studying in their courses. This goal is to provide students an opportunity to learn about their field of study or interest in a context other than the classroom, one that could be from an inter-disciplinary perspective. Up to $600 may be requested for academic seminars/conferences to be held.
Please see the attached or visit the ACSLV webpage for funding application details and submission guidelines.
The deadline for applications is extended to Friday, January 17th, 2025.
A list of past faculty seminars and faculty/student dialogues can be found here. .
This program is supported by the Chief Academic Officers/Provosts of the Associated Colleges.
Inquiries may be addressed to Karen Kus, Executive Director for the Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley, by email to Please copy Vicki Jacot on your inquiry (