Clarkson Common Experience
IF you teach a class this semester that includes CCE components (and your syllabus can still be edited) could you PLEASE add the following as a section after the course description. (if you are unsure – please see this list of S25 CCE courses)
This class serves as a Science, Technology & Society knowledge area class in the Clarkson Common Experience. <yellow highlights are an example>.
The Clarkson Common Experience provides a common set of learning expectations and outcomes for all Clarkson undergraduate students. Embodied in the Common Experience are four components that serve as common threads through multiple courses:
- Learning to communicate effectively,
- Developing an appreciation for diversity in both working and living environments,
- Recognizing the importance of personal, societal, and professional ethics,
- Understanding how technology can be used to serve humanity.
We account for these experiences in classes through knowledge areas (KAs), Communication points and tech classes. A recent review of syllabus for these classes indicates that the connection between the class and the CCE is often not mentioned, which makes it difficult for students to understand the CCE and their connections to the overall threads that are critical for their development.
Ideally, the course learning outcomes should clearly align with the CCE learning outcomes for the specific KA (or C points or Tech designation) and the connection to the CCE be clear in the course description. We will work on those changes as the CCE committee continues to move forward with its assessment of the current system and considerations for updating our campus’ common curriculum.