Clarkson University Research Professor Publishes Several Academic Papers, Receives SOAR Teaching Award

Clarkson University Research Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering Dana Barry has published five new papers and received the Leon LeBeau SOARING Educator Award in November 2024. 

Dana Barry displaying her SOAR Award.

Her new publications relate to three different topics. Two of their papers relate to education, covering digital innovation in faculty development and entrepreneurial spirit in higher education. Two other papers relate to Metaverse and virtual reality. One paper describes the application of Metaverse to creative engineering and the other one discusses the creation of virtual worlds for game design. The final paper is about exploring antibiofilm properties of materials. 

Each paper was written in collaborations with Hideyuki Kanematsu of the National Institute of Technology in Japan. They have been collaborators for over 20 years and have written several hundred publications including textbooks together as coauthors. Kanematsu has served as a guest speaker and Visiting Professor at Clarkson University.  

The new publications are listed below. 

Digital Innovation in Faculty Development: Crafting Academic Portfolios for the Next Era – ScienceDirect

Fostering Entrepreneurial Spirit in Higher Education: A Case Study of Startup Education in Japan – ScienceDirect

Hideyuki Kanematsu, Dana Barry, Nobuyuki Ogawa, Katsuko Nakahira, Kuniaki Yajima, Shinnosuke Suzuki, Hidekazu Miura, Takehito Kato, and Michiko Yoshitake (2025). Application of Metaverse to Creative Engineering: From Second Life to VR headset projects (Chapter 7 in Human-Centered Metaverse with editors Chang Nam, Donggil Song, and Heejin Jeong) published by Elsevier.

Creating virtual worlds and designing games – ScienceDirect

Exploring the Anti-Biofilm Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steel: A Study on Material Surface Characteristics and Biofilm Resistance via Selective Laser Sintering | Semantic Scholar

Barry received the Leon LeBeau SOARING Educator Award in November 2024. This Award is in honor of her excellence in teaching many courses for Stimulating Opportunities after Retirement (SOAR) and contributing significantly to the knowledge of the SOAR members. 

Barry has taught a variety of courses for SOAR for several years. A few of them include Japan and the U.S.: Comparison and Differences, World of Robots and Artificial Intelligence, Using Avatars in a Virtual World, Problem-Based Learning Activities in Second Life, The Beauty and Culture of Japan, Beautiful Malaysia, Space Shuttle Experiments, Mars Exploration, John Philip Sousa: The Man and the Music, Generate New Ideas and Solve Problems Creatively, etc.  

In addition to her work at Clarkson, she is an Instructional Support Assistant at SUNY Canton. She is a member and a Chemistry Ambassador for the American Chemical Society, a member of the Planetary Society, and plays the trumpet in five North Country Bands. She has more than 500 academic publications, five graduate degrees, and numerous honors.

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