On Sunday March 16 from 11AM to 1PM there will a special show in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day on Student Run WTSC FM Radio “The Source.” This is but one episode of the show “Sacred and Profane” that is on every Sunday. The show offers music and stories from around the world and right next door. Your hosts are Danny Dullea & family. Danny is a retired faculty member back to teach part-time as an adjunct for the ACT Department. Every show features both songs and stories. The acts of singing and storytelling are among humanity’s oldest communal activities… linking us with the past as we contemplate the future.
A recurring theme can be described as”Tunes & Tales of the Anthropocene”… a term for the present geological epoch during which human activity have profoundly impacted the environment in ways that include climate change, sea-level rise, deforestation, pollution and an ongoing mass extinction-an epoch of devastating human-caused loss.
But the show is fashioned to entertain and illuminate not to depress. We share the work of artists and storytellers from around the world that tell of the crisis and as often as possible share the work and efforts of folks to live joyfully and sustainably by sharing intercultural stories of environmental justice… and to honor the beauty and integrity of the complex associations of flora and fauna; as well the wisdom of rivers and mountains and all ecosystems…
Those living close to campus by can pick up the show on their FM Radio at 91.1. The show can also be listened any place with Internet access via streaming on the WTSC website at: https://radio.clarkson.edu. (The stream works using Safari or Internet Explorer as your browser.)