How to Submit an Announcement

Submitting an announcement is a simple way to get your information in front of the audiences you are trying to reach at Clarkson. To submit an announcement, please follow the guidelines below.

Announcements should be emailed to This inbox is monitored daily by a member of the Marketing team, and any announcement sent before 11:30 a.m. will show up in that day’s announcements digest, unless the sender indicates a different date. 

If you are submitting an announcement for a future date, please indicate which date(s) you would like your announcement to be included in the digest. Repeating announcements are limited to one post per week.  

Emails sent to members of the Marketing team on their personal Clarkson emails will not be included in the announcements. 

In an email, include the following information:

Headline: A short phrase or sentence that gives the reader an idea of what information is included in the announcement. 

Audiences: Choose any of the following.

  • Faculty & Staff in Potsdam
  • Faculty & Staff Beyond Potsdam
  • Graduate Students in Potsdam
  • Graduate Students Beyond Potsdam
  • Undergraduate Students

Message: In the announcement itself, include all relevant information. If you are submitting an event announcement, be sure to include the date, time, and location of the event, and indicate which campus audiences are welcome to attend. 

Photos and Flyers: Clarkson is required to meet certain requirements when it comes to accessibility. If you are submitting a visual aid, either in the form of a photograph or a flyer/poster, be prepared to include alternative text with it. 

Photos submitted to the announcements must be JPGs or PNGs. PDFs are not accessible and cannot be posted to the announcements. 

For Photos: Alternative text, or alt text, must be included. Alt text is used by those who are unable to view an image, and allows them to understand the content of the image. Anyone submitting a photo with their announcement must include an alt text description that briefly describes the contents of the image so that someone who is unable to see it can understand what it depicts. 

For flyers/posters: Best practice is to avoid submitting flyers or posters that include a lot of text. If you do want to include a text-heavy flyer or poster, all of the text included in the flyer must also be included either in the written message for the announcement, or the alt text. 

QR Codes: While often effective for hard-copy posters, QR codes are not a good way to redirect a reader to a link in the announcements. Students have indicated that they usually read the announcements on their phones. Since a phone is needed to scan a QR code, including a code as the only way to access the link you are directing people to is an ineffective method. Please always include the link associated with your code in the announcement itself.

Visual aids submitted to the announcements that do not include alt text will not be included in the announcement post. Click here for more information on how to write alt text

If you have any questions about submitting an announcement, please email Thank you
Marketing Team

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